Doomsday Vault


X-C3LL's Personal Blog :)

15 July 2024

Now this is personal

If this is the first time you visit this blog maybe you did not notice anything special but if you knew this blog from my old posts maybe you wonder what happened. Because this was the old design of this webpage:

Old blog

Since I started the Adepts of 0xCC’s blog I have stopped posting on this website. Every time I have written a technical article I have prioritised publishing it on Adepts or on MDSec’s blog, so this place has been completely abandoned.

During the last few weeks I have been flirting with the idea of resuming this blog, but giving it a more personal orientation. To use it as a place where I can dump my reflections, or to talk directly about other topics such as comics, music or science. Also I really need to improve my English, so it works as a pretext to practice :).

Before all the social networks, influencers and junkies thirsty for interactions and external validation there was a time where people just published their thoughts in small blogs with no more intention than the gratification of writing. I believe this kind of personal publications can fit better in how I want to use internet, instead of the social networks. This blog is a corner for me and my friends, so probably I am not going to share on twitter when I publish something.

Do not worry, I will keep publishing technical stuff on Adepts of 0xCC as I did in the last years (well, I will publish as soon as I have something interesting to share that I am not going to use in my daily work ;)).

See you!